Shown Sexy with Short Hair | Woman data - woman tips - women issues

Bored with long hair? Change appearance with very short hair cut, as did Emma Watson. But, before you decide to trim the long hair is very short there are five things to consider.

Here are five things you should know before your hair cut so short by Philip Pelusi, celebrity hair stylist from New York, as quoted from

1. Trappings
When you have short hair, the focus of people’s eyesight will be fixed on the eyes and face. For that you should not be lazy to use makeup. If not, your face looks like a man and too assertive. So, get the impression of gently with a little blush and eyeliner on a neutral color for the eyes look more beautiful.

2. Structuring each day, but shorter
Deficiency have short hair is that you can not directly pull your hair into a ponytail if you’re in a hurry. You do have to set it every day if you want to look more presentable. Surely the time to be very short hair. Simply blow dry and styling cream and give it can be done in just five minutes.

3. Consider the shape of the neck, face and shoulders

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